
Prevent Food Waste and Compost the Scraps!
Lifestyle, News Lifestyle, News

Prevent Food Waste and Compost the Scraps!

There are many reasons to prevent food waste. After all, wasting food wastes all of the valuable resources used to grow, harvest, transport and store food in the first place. In a recent report, the Natural Resources Defense Council found that wasted food is responsible for wasting 19% of all U.S. cropland, 18% of all farming fertilizer use, 21% of our landfill content, 21% of our agricultural water usage, and 2.6% of all greenhouse gas emissions.

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Let's Keep Going!
Lifestyle, News Lifestyle, News

Let's Keep Going!

Please join me for Colorado Gives Day this year. It takes place onDecember 10, but you can schedule your donation today. Our goal is toraise $5,280 so that we can continue serving our Denver neighbors - likethe Westwood community. Read their story below.

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