Let's Keep Going!

Please join me for Colorado Gives Day this year. It takes place on
December 10, but you can schedule your donation today. Our goal is to
raise $5,280 so that we can continue serving our Denver neighbors - like
the Westwood community. Read their story below.

One of my favorite projects that Extreme Community Makeover hosts
each year is Go: Westwood. This project brings together churches,
companies, non-profit organizations, schools, and individuals in the
Westwood neighborhood to come together for a collective day of service where all ages are pitching in for the day. One of the reasons I love the
picture above so much is that it shows the inter-generational aspect of
service while parents are teaching their children how to get involved in
their community as they are modeling what that looks like firsthand.
Plus, it's a lot of fun when you get a big group of people together with a
common goal! And that's the importance of Extreme Community
Makeover - bringing people together and building relationships.


'Tis the Season to Reduce Waste and Recycle!


Let's Make A Goal and Reach It Together