Random Acts of Kindness

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

~Ian Maclaren

It's true...everyone is fighting a battle of some sort. Therefore, always remember to be kind! We all benefit greatly when we give and receive kindness. Kindness is such a simple thing, yet it is so powerful. One kind act can make our day, and that's both on the receiving end and on the giving end. We challenge you to do one act of kindness each week, or maybe even once a month at the very least.  The habit of practicing kindness is guaranteed to change your life, and change the lives of those around you. Let's create a ripple effect of random acts of kindness here in Denver!

Here are some random acts of kindness ideas: 






If you have any ideas on random acts of kindness, we'd like to hear from you. Also, if you've witnessed an act of kindness that you would like to share, let us know! You can email us at info@extremecommunitymakeover.org. Be Kind and Do Good today!


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