Mentoring the Next Generation


Mentoring can go undervalued in our culture. Life can get so hectic and busy, we are unable to even think about giving our time to mentor another individual. However, just like volunteering, mentoring is so very rewarding."I decided to take Laniece to the Extreme Community Work Day with me because I want to do different things with her. Plus, we volunteered in the neighborhood where she lives," says Lauren. Lauren is a part of the the Big Brothers Big Sisters of America program."It was super-fun to see her interact with the others adults volunteering on our team. It taught her hard work and how rewarding it is to give back. She took pride in what she was doing and she was uplifted when she got praise for her hard work," Lauren expresses.Lauren understands the value of mentoring the next generation. She wanted Laniece to experience the act of doing good and not just talk about doing good. Volunteering was a great teaching experience for Laniece."I definitely think of myself as a role model for Laniece. I try role modeling setting yourself a part, doing good to others, and being selfless," says Lauren, "I see us doing more volunteer activities together in the future."Lauren does not have the typical 9 to 5  job. She is a distributor for Isogenics and she organizes the volunteer activity for the company's Global Giveback Day in her area. "A lot of us only know each other on Facebook. So, volunteering together helped us to experience real teamwork and actually give us hands-on experience interacting together," explains Lauren. Lauren also hopes her entrepreneurial spirit will ignite in Laniece.Each generation that follows us will take the baton, if you will, into the society of the future. We can help shape a positive future by being a positive influence to the younger generations. Volunteering can definitely be a life-changing experience and a great activity to instill character and hard work into someone you mentor. If you want to register for a volunteer Work Day with the person you are mentoring, click here.


7.3.18 & 7.5.18 ECM Work Days - Multiple Neighborhoods


In the Community to Build Relationships