In the Community to Build Relationships
In order to build healthy communities, we need to build relationships in those communities. Communities thrive when community members are involved in each other's lives. God's Grace Community Church understands this and they are the helping hand within their community."We always look for ways to get our congregation out into the community. That is why we partner with Extreme Community Makeover. We understand that changing lives only happens when we build relationships with others," explains Claudia. Claudia is the Community Development Minister within the church.
God's Grace Community Church has seen ECM grow since it's beginning. "I am totally impressed with Angela, the Executive Director of ECM. We've seen her grow this nonprofit from the ground level to where it is now. She has done a great job of relationship building within the Denver communities," states Claudia."Social media had done a number on the world, as far as relationships are concerned. When you serve, you unplug from your phone and you get a chance to experience community with others," says Claudia, "volunteering allows people to get away from their TVs and phones and experience positive interaction with others.""We need to listen to each other, hear their stories, and learn about how others see the world. Both the residents and the volunteers have their own story to tell. Working side-by-side with one another and learning from one another builds relationships. Relationships are vital to the health of the community," Claudia expresses.Claudia believes that the biggest thing that makes ECM unique is that is the relational part. "Angela focuses on relationships. She blends the work and relationships together. Plus, it is also intergenerational. There are little kids all the way up to older adults volunteering together, which is something that makes ECM so unique," Claudia exclaims.
Extreme Community Makeover gives a huge thanks to God's Grace Community Church. They've been a faithful partner for many years. Their support has helped us to continue to build relationships in Denver communities, one block at a time.If you'd like to organize a volunteer day with your church group, click here.