Love & Denver Composts!

February is here, and that means Denverite’s are purchasing more boxed chocolates and cut flowers this month than any other month of the year. If you find yourself buying flowers for a special someone, consider sharing the means to compost those flowers at the end of their life as well!  A green Denver Composts cart is a perfect supplement to any flower arrangement. After all, roses can be red, white or pink, but they’re always compostable (only after they’ve wilted, of course). Plus, nothing says “I care about you, and the environment” like flowers and a pretty, green compost cart.

In all seriousness, participating in the Denver Composts program is a highly efficient way to manage food and yard debris at your home, and an equally great way show your love and appreciation for the environment. Now that the Denver Composts program is offered to all neighborhoods, Denver residents are encouraged to:
  • SIGN UP FOR DENVER COMPOSTS. The Denver Composts program is perfect for keeping food waste, yard debris and non-recyclable paper out of your trash. In turn, keeping compostable material of the landfill helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the resulting compost provides many benefits when applied to our local soils.  Compost collection service is provided by the City for a small fee, and the green cart is emptied weekly.
  • COMPOST CORRECTLY.  While you shouldn’t necessarily put chocolates in your backyard compost pile, the commercial-scale Denver Composts program can accept processed food (like chocolates!), dairy, meat and even animal bones. The complete compost program guidelines are always available online. To virtually practice your waste sorting skills and to put your compost knowledge to the test, Denver Recycles also offers an online waste sorting game. Check it out!
  • SHARE THE LOVE. Share your love for composting with others by encouraging friends, family, and neighbors to sign up for the program, or, consider just sharing your green cart with others. The more residents that utilize the program, the merrier!

In 2017, Denver residents composted over 6,000 tons (12,000,000 pounds) of food and yard debris, yet, nearly fifty percent of material in Denver’s trash could have also been composted. Help Denver Composts change this statistic!  Start composting or keep composting, and pass it on!For more information about the Denver Composts program, please visit or call 311 (720-913-1311).


February Extreme Endeavors: How Did ECM Began? A Flashback to 2008


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