Bring Out Your Best!


We’ve all heard the saying, "You are who you hang out with." The people in our lives influence us, whether for good or for bad. This saying is well-known and accepted as truth. Many of us, though, don't stop to think about the influence our workplace has on us, and the influence our community has on us. Or, in the same way, how we influence our workplace and how we influence the community in which we live.There is a company that has a mission to bring out the best in people, and that company is Verus Global. They started out delivering parenting workshops to bring out the best in children, by working with their parents first. Then, they expanded this concept into the workplace.

Verus Global Corporate Volunteer Day with ECM

(September 1, 2017)

"We equip teams to do big things," says Sundi Ford Senior Director of Design and Delivery, "we partner with organizations to help them achieve their one big thing."Companies are made of individuals that help execute the vision, brand, mission and goal of that organization. If the individuals within the company are not equipped to bring out their best, then the company will not be equipped to bring out its best."We focus on the whole person, how an individual shows up at work, in their family and in their organizational culture. We are all wives, sons, mothers, husbands, etc. We develop teams through holistic approach to the whole human," Sundi communicates.Verus Global does coaching and consulting through sessions where they give the company employees practical tools to increase their communication, help them to be more efficient and teach them problem solving skills. "The work of doing big things does not require doing more; it is a method to being more. It starts with the heart to truly drive the business priorities forward. Once your people know why and what they must do, we build solutions to support how they are going to get it done, together," explains the company.Verus Global is truly giving back to the community, one company and one individual at a time. Communities can't change unless individuals within those communities change. Verus Global is making a huge difference in individual lives, giving them practical tools to bring out their best! Those individuals then impact their company, their family and their communities in a positive way.Extreme Community Makeover is a kindred spirit to Verus Global in that we believe change can come to a community one neighbor and one block at a time. We go block by block, assisting Denver residents with practical needs within their home and yard. Our goal is to then inspire those individuals to give their best to their neighbor, to their community and beyond. We can change the world, one individual and once block at a time! Learn more about volunteering with ECM, click here.


Love & Denver Composts!


There Are People That Care