5280 Waste Solutions


Did you know that a big part of the Extreme Community Makeover's volunteer Work Days is efficient trash removal? ECM uses dumpsters every other Saturday, starting in April, and all the way into October. We also host volunteer Works Days on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the summer months. So that means we fill up a lot of dumpsters throughout the year! That's why it's so important to have a solid trash removal company that we can depend on and that provides great customer service. 5280 Waste Solutions is that company for ECM!

5280 Waste Solutions serves the greater Denver region. They have a fleet of more than 30 trucks and 1,500 dumpster containers. Another really cool thing, is that they support a green Colorado and a healthy environment as well!

"What makes us unique is our commitment to service. We know that people in Denver have many options when it comes to their roll-off trash needs. We try to make the process seamless and easy. Our proprietary software, Starlight, allows us to get our dumpster orders filled faster, and more accurately than anyone else in the game. Furthermore, we take being the hometown dumpster company seriously, we are always looking for ways to give back to the community," explains Bill Bradley the owner of 5280 Waste Solutions."What makes us an excellent trash removal company is our outstanding customer service and going above and beyond for all our customers,"says Alycia Hilzer.Alycia works as a dispatcher for 5280 Waste Solutions. Alycia and her co-workers have also volunteered on an ECM Work Day. "What I loved most about our company volunteer day was the feeling I got from working with amazing people and from helping others," says Alycia."Some of the most interesting facts about waste management that people don’t know is that 1/2 of the waste produced in America is from construction, demolition and industrial projects, not the waste that they pick up curbside at your house – which is only 17%. If we are going to make a real impact on waste in this country, we need to address the issue of recycling at the construction and demolition level. No one ever thinks to ask their home remodeling company what they are doing with the waste from the job," explains Bill.5280 Waste Solutions offers recycling services and is opening the very first construction and demolitions waste recycling center in Colorado. They are firm believers in what is good for the environment and communities, is good for business. So they are  working to create jobs for Colorado, while making an impact on the waste stream to reduce needless build up in landfills."We think that service and reliability are the attributes of an excellent trash company. People want to know that you will be there on time, and make the process as painless as possible. We call every customer on the way to their site, and make sure we are clear on where they want the dumpster. We let them meet us there if necessary and make sure that we get things right the first time. We also do not believe in hidden fees. Many trash companies hide the real charge in service fees. That will never happen with us. The cost you see is the cost you pay," says Bill.5280 Waste Solutions feels like they are making a real difference in our community partnering with ECM. "It is amazing to see the impact from the community cleanup, and one of our mission’s is to make the world a better place than we left it, and ECM is certainly doing that. We are proud to help them in all their ventures!" remarks Bill.If you are looking for a great trash removal company, contact 5280 Waste Solutions.


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