Volunteering with ECM Advice!


We asked some volunteers what their advice would be to a first time ECM volunteer and here is what they had to say:

Abby from Youthworks

You can’t be afraid to get your hands dirty. The reactions when you’re done makes it all worth it because they’re so happy about it and they just thank you.

Cindy from St. Andrew United Methodist Church

I think the best part is to get to know the person you’re working with a little bit, meet the homeowner and hear a little bit of their story and build a relationship and then what you do for them will be more important to you and to them.

Chris from Denver Christian Professionals

You get some exercise, you’re helping the community, you get a little bit of everything, you clean up some trash, pull some weeds, meet new people, it’s great.

Kyle from Youthworks

Talk to the homeowners and listen to them and get their story. The work is fun and everything but when you see how much it affects them because you’ve talked to them and you’ve heard their story that’s the biggest thing.

Evan from Saint Andrew United Methodist Church

Drink a lot of water and get slurpees after. It helps with hotness.

Trysta from Youthworks

You’ve just got to dive right in. It’s really not that bad, it seems bad at first but it’s not. It’s honest work because you’re helping other people so it doesn’t seem so bad.

~Communications Team, Anja


7.9.19 & 7.11.19 ECM Work Days - Multiple Neighborhoods


7.2.19 ECM Work Day - Multiple Neighborhoods