It's a Block Party Kind of Day!


Block party, was definitely the theme of this ECM Work Day.  Not only because of the upbeat tunes provided by resident Jessica and family, but also because of the inspired message given by Restoration Community Church’s associate pastor, Nanci. Nanci challenged volunteers to fully take in the day with thoughts and actions of community, personal growth, and service.Volunteer and youth pastor, Lance, spoke cheerily as he described his work with Restoration Community Church and their annual participation with Extreme Community Makeover. The community attitude of Lance and his team did not go unnoticed by Globeville resident, Uriel.  Uriel witnessed the happiness and fun as volunteers painted his house and was so moved by the experience, that he was inspired to sign up to participate in future projects to give back to his community.  For me, I was moved by the energy created as people came together to serve one another, but also to see our youth, such as Uriel being inspired to help as well.11707803_855160984519926_2285910052814846854_nThe connection and conversations continued as volunteers and residents shared their stories.  Katie took a break from her painting as she checked in on her ten week old daughter…ECM’s youngest volunteer.  Obviously, Katie’s daughter couldn’t do much in the way of physical work, but her sweet disposition helped to keep volunteers and residents in an upbeat mood. A common theme shared among residents assisted by ECM, as confirmed by Jessica, is of ECM’s perfect timing.  Her husband recently had bypass surgery and wasn’t able to keep up on the maintenance of their home.  Jessica said she was still grieving over the passing of her daughter in February, but was grateful and moved by the support and kindness of the volunteers with ECM. She and her niece, Rika asked for suggestions on how to improve their home’s curb appeal. I suggested they plant a flowering bush in memory of their daughter…they loved the idea.  Like resident Uriel, Rika was inspired by ECM’s work to better Denver’s neighborhoods and asked how she could contribute.As I drove away from Globeville and the residents I met today, I quickly reflected on how moved I am by the work and inspiration that Extreme Community Makeover and volunteers are contributing to our city and our community.  Truly, all it takes is one act of kindness to create a ripple effect of inspiration, service, and personal growth.  To witness service and kindness in another is surely a recipe for positive change and growth; so thank you to Restoration Community Church and our individual volunteers for being a beautiful example.  Also, special thanks to our Globeville residents for letting us into your homes, your lives, and for your kindness.- Lisa, ECM Communications Team


Volunteer Spotlight - Family Time


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