Denver Belongs to All of Us


We are back into a routine of running Work Days again this summer and are thankful for all the people who have joined us to have a safe volunteer experience, while giving back to their community. We haven't seen the out of town groups that often join us each summer, but hopefully they will be back next summer and appreciate our local volunteers more than ever. In continuing the theme of sharing volunteer stories from the leaders of our Extreme Teams, this month's volunteer story comes from Dave. Dave is the leader of the Fundraising Team, which helps facilitate fundraising events.


"I've been on the Fundraising Team for Extreme Community Makeover now for about two years, and it all came about by lucky circumstance. I've been involved with quite a few volunteer opportunities since I left the Navy, but I was new to Denver back in 2018 and looking for both volunteering and social opportunities in my new community. I happened to come across an ECM social event on Meetup, and I've been with them ever since! I love the opportunity to help people connect with the neighborhood, help those in need, and develop a sense of ownership. Denver belongs to all of us, and it's great to see what ECM can do!"


Volunteer : Work Days

Saturday Work Days are scheduled once a month. The next date is 

Saturday, August 8

. Volunteering at ECM Work Days looks a little different this year, but following these 


 will keep these volunteer opportunities safe for everyone. Volunteer as an individual (1-4 people) - 


Volunteer as a group (5+ people) - 





Volunteer : Good Neighbors Program

When the coronavirus pandemic first started in March, we launched an online volunteer campaign called Caring During Corona. Through this campaign, volunteers connected with over 50 neighbors to check in and make sure they had what they needed, to run errands, and to talk and provide social connection during an isolating time. We are thinking about continuing that program and expanding it into the Good Neighbors program, so we can provide that support and connection year round. Will you take the survey below to share your feedback as we think more about how that program could look?

Share Your Feedback


Kindness Campaign

We can all use more kindness in our world right now, so we are launching a Kindness Campaign! We will be sharing stories about how you are demonstrating and witnessing kindness around you. Each Friday, we will share a new idea on social media in order to see all the creative ways we can spread kindness. Share your story by using #ECMKindnessCampaign. Check out the video below and stop by the social media sites below each week to learn more.

Let's spread more kindness around Denver!

Thank you for reading and staying in touch!

Executive Director, Extreme Community Makeover


7.18.20 ECM Work Day - Globeville


7.7.20 ECM Work Day - Multiple Neighborhoods