April Extreme Endeavors: Let's Get This Party Started



Let's get this party...Work Days...started! Our projects are begin again this weekend and we are looking forward to it! With around 125 volunteers who have a list of 20 projects to help with, along with a beautiful spring day in Denver, Saturday is going to be a great start to the project year! If you haven't had a chance to volunteer with Extreme Community Makeover before, I would encourage you to find a day to do that sometime. Check out the calendar for available dates. And if you have volunteered with us once before or many times, I hope you can join us again sometime soon as together we impact Denver neighborhoods "one block at a time"!

Sincerely,Angela Bomgaars

Volunteer Opportunity : ECM Work Days in April

Work Days begin again this weekend, so come join us during one of the following Saturdays this month:

To volunteer, register here. You will receive more specific details from there. Fill out the corresponding liability form as well, choosing "Individual" for the Group Name. Contact Angela if you have questions before signing up.

Extreme Yard Care Updates & Crowdfunding Campaign

Last month I shared about the social enterprise lawn care business we are starting called Extreme Yard Care, which will provide employment opportunities for those who live in the neighborhoods served by ECM and will provide an option for consistent service not provided through one-time volunteer projects. And this service can be used at your own home!  Here are a couple updates:

  • Finding a Program Manager - We are excited to announce that we have hired Gary Apel as our new Program Manager! That also means we are getting closer to launching, now that we have Gary on board.
  • Participating in the Crowdfunding Campaign - Right now we have a crowdfunding campaign going on to raise $20,000 to obtain the necessary equipment, tools, and supplies needed to start this business. Check out the page and consider donating today, so you can be a part of this exciting project.

  • Becoming a Customer - We are looking for customers who would like to use Extreme Yard Care to take care of your yard. Let us know you would be interested in being a potential customer by sharing your info here. We should have more specific details available in the next couple of weeks so stay tuned.

Spring Kick-Off Follow-Up

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Spring Kick-Off event last month! After enjoying margaritas from Coyote Gold and delicious food from Jim 'N Nick's, we spent time hearing stories from those involved in ECM's efforts and how they are part of the impact ECM is making in Denver. Thank you to Heritage Title Company for sponsoring this event and Converge Denver for hosting!

We also spent time sharing about our goals for this year. Here are a few highlights:
  • Theme - Our theme for the year will be "Be A Good Neighbor".
  • Volunteer Engagement - We will continue to provide opportunities for new volunteers to connect through Volunteer Happy Hour events, as well as Drinks + Dialogue events for Work Day volunteers to learn more
  • Work Days - We are launching a new product line of caps and have a new idea of how to connect people after Work Days. You'll have to come volunteer to see how it works!
  • Social Enterprise - We are excited about launching Extreme Yard Care
  • Fundraising - We are building our Neighbor to Neighbor Club and are currently at 50% of our goal in funding from monthly donors. Learn more and sign up here.

Apr 22 : Go: Westwood

We already have over 500 people signed up to participate in Go: Westwood on Saturday, April 22! If you want to get involved, let us know soon. It's going to be a fun day!

Thank You : The Newell Team

The work that Extreme Community Makeover does is made possible through the generosity of many people. One of the companies that we would like to recognize this month is The Newell Team of Pinnacle Real Estate Advisors, who specializes in representing investors in the acquisition and disposition of apartment buildings throughout Metro Denver. Thank you for your support and partnership to impact Denver neighborhoods!







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