What are some qualities of a person with good character?


Volunteer-Spotlight-900px-2On Tuesday, June 13, 2017 we had 500 young adults participating in community projects around the Villa Park neighborhood. The volunteers were from Red Rocks Church. One of the Work Day organizers and volunteer leaders was Katie Thompson. She's been a volunteer for Extreme Community Makeover for four years. "Volunteering helps me focus on others instead of myself. It gives me opportunity to see another person's perspective and reminds me to have more grace on people because you never know what people are going through. Serving others brings me joy and causes me to love more," expresses Katie. Katie is a woman of great character.

Volunteering Develops Good Character

We asked some of the young adult volunteers and volunteer leaders what they thought were some attributes of someone with good character. Their answers were: hard worker, caring for others, honest, integrity, and kindness.Volunteering is proven to develop good character. There has been research that shows that volunteering builds empathy and connects you to humanity. Connecting to humanity is one of the six characteristics in the Periodic Table of Character Strengths. The other six listed are wisdom, courage, justice, temperance, and transcendence. All characteristics have been proven to be developed in someone who volunteers.It's vital for young adults to experience volunteer work to help shape and build their character. "When students serve others it helps open their eyes to the world around them. It's easy to stay in your own family, school, neighborhood, etc. and forget to think of others. Teenagers need to experience volunteer work because it gives them a larger perspective and gives them a greater empathy for people outside of their realm of influence," says Katie.

Channel 7 News

Mitch Jelniker, with Channel 7 News, came out to this Work Day to interview some of the volunteers. Channel 7 also presented Katie Thompson with a 7Everyday Hero Award. Good job Katie! Thank you for your example of great character and choosing to serve our Denver communities. You are a hero!

To watch the video click here

Screen Shot 2017-06-27 at 4.35.16 PMIf you are looking to build good character in your kids, consider signing up your family for an ECM Work Day.

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Look, We Have a Yard!


6.17.17 ECM Work Day - Elyria Neighborhood