The Weirdest Work Day


The May 18th Work Day in the Swansea neighborhood was one of the strangest that ECM has ever seen. It started off like any other sunny work day with meeting at Focus Points Family Resource Center to discuss alley cleanup with the volunteers.Most of the individuals from Smith & Nephew and BSW Real Estate had never worked with ECM before so there was time for explanation so everyone could receive the instructions. We got out to the alleys later than expected but got a lot done quickly. It was warm and we expected to finish before lunch.The Projects Team had two trucks that they filled quickly and both groups moved down their alleys within a couple of hours. Unfortunately we did not get much further than that because the weather had other plans. Many native Coloradans that were there said it was the weirdest weather they had ever seen. It came down like hail but was shaped more like snow.It was very wet and after walking back to Focus Points everyone was covered in the hail/snow. There were some really enthusiastic volunteers who went back out to their alley after it cleared but others dried off inside and waited for pizza. After lunch we called it a day. ECM is used to competing with weather on work days and there are sometimes snow days early in the work year, but a hail day was a first. It will definitely be a memorable experience for the volunteers who have never worked with ECM before. Hopefully everyone can volunteer again on a nice sunny day with blue skies!Anja, ECM Communications Team


Random Acts of Kindness


Go: Westwood 2019