The Search for Your Next Volunteer Experience


Volunteering adds value to our lives. When we help others, it allows us to see the world from a different perspective and gain a positive, life-changing experience. Volunteering changes us forever. It's important, though, to know where to look for volunteer opportunities and what volunteer experience will be the best fit. We talked with three Extreme Community Makeover volunteers to see how they found out about us and what they were looking for in their volunteer experience.


Volunteer Match

Jeremy found out about ECM through Volunteer Match. Last year, 2017,  was his first time volunteering with Extreme Community Makeover and he really enjoyed it. What intrigued him about ECM was the sense of community ECM brings to the table, the diversity of projects, the track record of being in the communities long-term, and the diverse scheduling of the Work Days. "This is something you don't get in the nine to five day job. You really get the feeling of accomplishment and giving back to the community. Volunteering with ECM serves a purpose and benefits others in a tangible way," explains Jeremy. He is looking forward to being a more regular volunteer with ECM this year. He enjoys being a part of a group, and experiencing the emotional connection to the community, its residents, and the fellow volunteers.Volunteer Match has a large network within the nonprofit world, with plenty of nonprofits and opportunities. Their volunteer opportunities range from advocacy and human rights, to arts and culture, to health and medicine, and many more. There site is user friendly and effective. Check out their website here.


Metro Volunteers

Carol found out about Extreme Community Makeover through Metro Volunteers. Her goal was to find an organization that was doing stuff in the community, specifically beautifying the city like getting rid of graffiti and such. After volunteering as an individual for a handful of Work Days in 2017, Carol decided to join one of ECM's Extreme Teams in 2018. “My first Work Day in 2018 will be on the very first Work Day of the year, on April 7th. I'm on the Logistics Team and I'm looking forward to helping people get situated and helping them be comfortable with the volunteer day," says Carol. Volunteering has allowed Carol to feel like she is connecting with others. She enjoys getting to know people outside of her circle of influence. Carol has witnessed how appreciative the community is for the help, and this makes her feel good.Metro Volunteers shares Coloradans not only great volunteer opportunities, but it also does volunteer leadership training and volunteer advocacy. They make volunteerism smarter by empowering individuals and organizations with knowledge and skills to create more effective, engaging and impactful volunteering. They have a wide range of innovative programs, tools and resources. Check out their website here.



Jerry is on Meetup to be able to explore certain interests. It is a goal of his to be active in the community. He's helped the homeless through various organizations he's connected with on Meetup. When he found out about ECM through Meetup, he was thrilled. "I like doing things where I feel good, and where I can put a smile on someone’s face. This is why I love ECM," exclaims Jerry. He appreciates, too, how well-organized ECM is. "I go where the need is on the Work Days. The Work Days are flexible. It’s very well-run and organized, which helps me to focus on serving others. It's also a great group of people to work with," Jerry testifies. Volunteering with ECM has been life changing for Jerry, and a real eye-opener. He's truly enjoyed getting to know the hearts of the people Extreme Community Makeover serves.Meetup helps users find groups and events to meet up with that fits a particular interest. They've got everything from business networking groups, to book clubs, to health and wellness group, and, of course, volunteering groups. Users can also create their own group and meet people near them who share your interests. Join our ECM Meetup group, here.ECM's first Work Day is Saturday, April 7th. Sign up for the first volunteer experience of the year, here.


4.7.18 ECM Work Day - Barnum Neighborhood


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