It's Always Good to Know Your Neighbors


Tom and Sue (this is not their real names because the family wished to remain anonymous)  have lived in their neighborhood for 38 years. They make it a point to know their neighbors and love to help their neighbors out as they can. Recently, their neighbor next door passed away. His brother lived far away, in California. They felt strongly that they needed to help the family in this tough time. "We saw a need and we wanted to help. It was devastating to the family. We knew their parents," states Sue.Tom and Sue contacted the family and asked how they could help after they heard of their neighbor's passing. The couple cleaned the house and removed trash. They also helped the house sell by cleaning up the yard and they were available to show the house to potential buyers. "I felt we owed it to the family to help out. We asked ourselves how can we help?" says Tom.The willingness to help the family in the tragic time has rekindled their relationship with the family. "We knew them when they were young. We’ve promised to keep in touch with each other, even though we are miles away," expresses Sue.Tom and Sue live their lives as good neighbors. They wouldn't say they are the definition of a good neighbor they just live their lives that way. "A good neighbor is someone who greets you as you pass by. They are always willing to give you a wave or a hello. They help out when needed, like shoveling your walks in the winter if you are unable. A good neighbor is someone who looks after each other," explains Sue."It's always good to know your neighbors," says Tom.If you'd like to nominate a good neighbor, click here.


Helping Out My Mom’s Neighborhood


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