It's All About Community


Extreme Community Makeover is big on getting the city of Denver involved in experiencing real community, neighbors meeting neighbors and folks helping each other out. Feeling connected with each other is essential to experiencing emotional wellness, as well as it having a positive impact on our physical health. ECM offers volunteer opportunities that actually give our volunteers a physical workout too. Our projects are diverse and fun. Work Day projects include such things as building a fence, painting a house, planting flowers, removing debris, etc.ECM appreciates businesses that share this same vision and see the importance of building community in Denver. We are looking forward to having Train Fit Denver volunteer on a Work Day. Together, we are sharing the love and being a good neighbor to our communities. If you own your own business and fostering community is also important to you, we'd love to have you organize a volunteer Work Day. Register here.


The Neighborhood That Embodies Culture and Diversity


Ready to Kick Off a Great Year with ECM?