Get Your Hands Dirty in Denver!


Get your hands dirty by giving back to the Denver community!

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Get Your Hands Dirty

Serving our communities allows us to “get our hands dirty” and learn about the needs of those around us. There is a lot to be done to make our communities a better place to live. When we allow ourselves to learn about those needs, and then act upon those needs, we are able to connect and really make a difference. Serving with Extreme Community Makeover also allows us to physically get our hands dirty while we work on outdoor projects.

Get Your Hands Dirty on ECM Projects Doing:

  • Alley clean-ups
  • Clean-up projects
  • Fence repair
  • Graffiti removal
  • Landscaping
  • Painting
  • Trimming bushes / small trees
  • Yard work

You can support the work we do by coming to our annual fundraiser Art is in the Air - details and tickets here.


September Extreme Endeavors: Denver Gothic...Volunteer Style


9.7.19 ECM Work Day - Westwood Neighborhood