Get Your Hands Dirty!

As you may know, each year, Extreme Community Makeover picks a theme. We pick the themes based on the overall vision of ECM. Past year's themes were Be Kind. Do Good; Be a Good Neighbor; and Growing Deep Roots. This year's theme is Get Your Hands Dirty. Along with each theme, we have t-shirts available to spread that message during the volunteer season.

Get Your Hands Dirty

Serving our communities allows us to “get our hands dirty” and learn about the needs of those around us. There is a lot to be done to make our communities a better place to live. When we allow ourselves to learn about those needs, and then act upon those needs, we are able to connect and really make a difference. Serving with Extreme Community Makeover also allows us to physically get our hands dirty while we work on outdoor projects.

Get Your Hands Dirty on ECM Projects Doing:

  • Alley clean-ups
  • Clean-up projects
  • Fence repair
  • Graffiti removal
  • Landscaping
  • Painting
  • Trimming bushes / small trees
  • Yard work

Make sure to Get Your Hands Dirty this year and register to volunteer for a Work Day.


Independent Sector: Estimated National Value of Each Volunteer Hour


4.6.19 ECM Work Day - Barnum Neighborhood