Church Partners: Serving Denver Alongside Each Other


Denver Community Church

Dalyce has been attending Denver Community Church for about six years. She is on the Serve Denver team and Extreme Community Makeover is one of the partnerships that DCC supports. Dalyce enjoys being the leader of the ECM volunteer team and appreciates the opportunity to get more involved in her church and serve Denver communities. She also values the opportunity to use her Spanish speaking skills on the volunteer Works Days. Denver Community Church does two Work Days with ECM a year, one in the summer and the other is in the fall.

God's Grace Community Church

Andrea values the mission of God's Grace Community Church, to not only serve the people inside the church, but to also be active outside the church walls and be involved in the Denver community. Serving in the community has heightened their fellowship and strengthened their relationships with each other. They have learned that helping people, in what seems like very small ways, makes a huge difference in the lives of Denver residents.

Bethany Lutheran Church

Scott first got involved with Extreme Community Makeover through his church. He has also served on the ECM Board of DirectorsBethany Lutheran Church has an annual Be the Blessing day where they cancel the church service and go out into the community and serve. The church has had around 120 people volunteer on a Saturday Work Day at one time. Scott works in the men's ministry and he has seen the benefits of the comradery the men experience by getting their hands dirty and volunteering in the community.Get your church involved in an ECM Work Day and sign up here. You can also learn more about becoming a Church Partner and e-mail Angela.


Lend a Hand and Adopt-a-Spot in Denver


Neighborhood Resources in Central Denver