Above and Beyond the Call of Service


To be able to give your time volunteering in the community is a great act of service. We are so thankful to the organizations that make a point to do a volunteer day with their employees. Madison and Company Properties is one of those companies who joined the Real Estate Industry Work Day earlier this summer."The work day was awesome! The lady we were helping was super-sweet. We helped her out with some yard work and painting her house. It was an overall good time," explains Rhyan an employee of Madison and Company Properties. The real estate company has made it a goal to do one volunteer day a month. They have seen how the volunteer days help with employee retention and help to build team relationships."We've been really inspired by our volunteer days. It helps us to see the big picture. And, we always leave with a good feeling," says Allyson.Madison and Company Properties also gives financially, but they value the hands-on experience of giving back. "It was a team decision to volunteer. We already had a charity of the month that we were donating to but we decided we wanted to do more hands-on, active volunteer work in the community," explains Rhyan. After taking an employee survey, the response was that everyone wanted to volunteer more consistently.They really enjoyed their experience volunteering with Extreme Community Makeover. "Sally was the coolest lady you could ever meet! We really lucked out. The day was so easy and organized. The ECM team checked in on us often and lunch was so good. We were able to have a fun and relaxing day. Angela was absolutely wonderful. Everyone was so gracious and excited, which really goes a long way on a volunteer day," exclaims Rhyan.Thank you Madison and Company Properties for going above and beyond the call of service! We appreciate your donation and the giving of your valuable time to our Denver communities.Experience the benefits of volunteering with your co-workers and sign up here.


9.8.18 ECM Work Day - Swansea Neighborhood


September Extreme Endeavors: Volunteers from Around the World