How would you define kindness?


Extreme Community Makeover recently launched a kindness campaign, asking our network to spread kindness and share those stories so we can spread more positive words and actions in our communities. We believe that focusing on positive messages is important, now more than ever.

Kindness is so important. One small act of kindness can really make a person's day. We talked with some of our volunteers from a recent Saturday Work Day about how they would define kindness. And, we also ask you, how would you define kindness?

Angela: Executive Director, Extreme Community Makeover

"Kindness is being willing to look towards others before myself. It's looking at how can I do something that is not all about me but is more about someone else. It's being willing to show up and do something that plants seeds of goodness in our world."

Eric: Extreme Teams, Projects Team

"A lot of people think kindness and being nice are the same thing. But kindness is significantly more challenging than just being nice. Kindness really means empathizing with people, going out of your way and showing action for people consistently."

Tracy: Work Day Volunteer

"I would define kindness as loving your neighbor: loving your next door neighbor, loving your neighbor far away, loving the neighbor that might be challenging and the neighbor that you love to hang out with."

Monica: Work Day Volunteer

"I define kindness as being respectful of others and their well-being, especially right now with COVID. Being extra generous and helping people where it's most needed is kindness."

Eric: Work Day Volunteer

"I would define kindness as the impulse to advance the happiness and well-being of others."

Laura: Extreme Teams, Survey Team

"I would define kindness as love, help and care."

Heather: Work Day Volunteer

"Kindness is doing something without expecting anything in return."

Joe: Work Day Volunteer

"We've got to move to a sense of individual freedom to community freedom. If I don't protect my neighbors, then my neighbors can get sick. Kindness comes from sacrificing individual freedoms, to making sure our entire community is free by taking care of each other."

Aaron: Work Day Volunteer

"Kindness to me is just putting others above yourself and helping them and meeting them where their needs are."

Conner: Work Day Volunteer

"I would define kindness as a way to treat other people; treat people the way you want to be treated."

Gabby: Work Day Volunteer

"I think kindness is the idea of being fully and completely selfless. It is putting everyone's needs and hearts before your own. It's all about loving one another and caring about what other people's values are and knowing it's for the greater good of the community."

Tell us how you define kindness. Send us a message to


Volunteer Story: Alicia Kannianen


8.8.20 ECM Work Day - Elyria