Extreme Teams Spotlight : Hillary
Hillary Knaebel - LogisticsTeam
Why are you on the Logistics Team?
I wanted a way to stay involved at a greater level than volunteering on my own, and the Logistics Team was a great fit for my skill set! I love to plan, organize, and execute, and I love getting to be a part of the Work Days in this way!
What are you looking forward to about being the team leader this year?
The Logistics Team is one of the largest Extreme Teams, and I'm looking forward to bringing us all closer together and ensuring that we have all of our work covered.
If you had one sentence to describe what ECM is about, what would you say?
Community, community, community. ECM gives you the opportunity to better yourself, and the community while growing relationships.
Anything else would you like to share?
ECM is an incredible organization, that truly makes such a large impact with volunteers. We have repeat residents who look forward to ECM's Work Day in their neighborhood every year, and I think it is incredible what we can do for our neighbors and neighborhoods when we all work together.