4.23.16 Go: Westwood - Westwood Neighborhood


Summary of 4.23.16 Go: Westwood:

  • Volunteers who participated – 365
  • Groups who participated - Alpha Phi Omega-Mu Pi, BuCu West, Children's International Summer Village Rocky Mountain Denver, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Denver Community Church 30's Group, Henry's Tavern, Heritage High School, Impact360, Munroe Elementary, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Westwood Residents Association, Westwood Unidos La Casita, Westwood Unidos Safety Committee, & Individuals
  • Projects completed - Alameda Avenue clean-up, Alley clean-ups, Art projects at Munroe Elementary & Redeemer Lutheran Church, Graffiti removal, La Casita clean-up and landscaping, Morrison Road clean-up, Munroe Elementary garden prep
  • Volunteer hours invested – 2,555
  • Photos from Go: Westwood - click here

Thank You Go: Westwood Volunteers!


Connecting the Pieces