Communications Team Blog Post : September 25

Love in Action

Colorado Home Realty Volunteer Group

Hello ECM community!  Well, the day may be done, but the work never is and nor is the love!  As we near the closing of our season let’s take a moment to reflect on why ECM does what we do.  Yes, our organization is about serving underserved communities in the Denver area, and that is accomplished through cleaning up neighborhoods.  We clean the alleyways from graffiti, trash, overgrown trees, and weeds.  We also work with residents who are not able to care for the outside of their homes themselves; cutting grass, weeding, tree trimming, house painting, and garden clean-up are just some of the services we provide. Clean-up, and making our neighborhoods pretty are a HUGE part of what we do, but the most important thing we do is put love into action.  You may ask what does love have to do with all of this. Well, let me tell you!!

Most would say love is an emotion – sure, that is one description, but as I have observed numerous times throughout my life and for sure during Work Days with ECM, love is an energy and love can be put to action. As I begin each Work Day, I send out a request to the universe…what will be my story? The content of the story reveals itself through my observation; I listen, I watch, I question, I plant seeds, I wait, then I file all the data and wait for the story.



This story was inspired by 24-year-old, Aitana. She is a real-estate agent with Colorado Home Realty. This was Colorado Home Realty’s first-time volunteering with ECM, but volunteering is not new to this company; along with Aitana, Colorado Home Realty makes volunteering a habit and part of their daily lives. Aitana and I shared easy banter about life and work while cleaning up one of the alleys. I noticed all the volunteers were making quick work of their task and the energy in the alley was lovely despite the trash, dirt, and graffiti. I knew this vibe was coming not only from Aitana, but also from her co-workers….love in action. During lunch, I continued my conversation with Aitana and got to learn more about this amazing woman.

Aitana said she began her volunteer work during high school. She had been volunteering with Young Life for many years and is now volunteering with CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) in Jefferson County. CASA pairs volunteers with children to spend quality time with them. Part of her work is to take the child on outings, play with them, talk with them, and listen to them. The most important part of the job is observing the children and looking for signs that may indicate an area where the child may need support. Aitana clearly finds the work rewarding and speaks about her volunteering as this is part of her life and always has been. If she wasn’t already doing enough with volunteering and working; Aitana has also chosen to live with a woman who has Alzheimer’s. She provides support when the family can’t. This young woman is not only beautiful on the outside, but also has a beautiful energy. Being near her made me smile and reminded me of how many lovely souls there are out there. Thank you, Aitana for being love in action!

I’ll wrap this up with this…love in action can be volunteering, listening to someone, sharing your experiences, giving someone space to be, a hug, calling someone, smiling at a stranger, letting someone know that they matter and that you see them, buying a meal for someone, and even sitting around and laughing and experiencing joy together is love in action. Being in community and serving one another has brought much joy to my life and has taught me more about what love is. Here is to putting good vibes into the world and letting it grow!

- Lisa, Communications Team


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10.23.21 ECM Work Day - Multiple Neighborhoods